25 Agustus, 2008

Photos Nocturnal Heresy

Photo ini adalah photo concert kami di Gedung PKPN Kendal pada tanggal 11 mei 2006
Dimana kami membawakan 3lagu di album pertama kami yang berjudul "Romances In Dark Valley", "Desperation Heart", "Eternal Devil's Whore" dimana kami mendapat undangan concert dari mas Klowor Demoniac di Event parade Underground se Jawa - Bali yang ber tittle "TOTAL KIAMAT MORAL II".
Personel yang ikut main adalah : Alejandro J'heresy (Vocalist), Nataliyus Krist Bint (Guitarist), Thorax Najr (Bassist), Fajar Hermono (Drummer)

Alejandro J'heresy
Semarang, 8 September 1978
Grim, choir & clean vocal
Skill Band (Semarang)
Mystisia (Semarang)
Hysteria (Semarang)
Ottar (Semarang)
Nocturnal Heresy (Semarang)

Nataliyus Kristbint
Bawen, 4 Desember 1979
Electric & Strings Guitar
Classic (Bawen)
Armour (Semarang)
Nocturnal Heresy (Seamarang)

Thorax Najr
Kendal, 2 Januari 1982
Accoustic Guitar & Bass
Nocturnal Heresy (Semarang)

Fajar Hermono
Kendal, 13 Maret 1982
Drummer & Percussion
Nocturnal Heresy (Semarang)


Bawen 05 mei 1986
Nocturnal Heresy (Semarang)

Lyric lagu "The Kings Of Babylon" 2008

Lyric by: Alejandro j’heresy Music by: Thorax Najr

Thousands times at jahiliyah period
There’s an ancient Egyptians
Legend story that professes animism
The effect of sect ancestor’s in heritance

So much confusions of human’s life
Choused of unbalance of life
And so much transgression
Of morality rudeness butchering with cannibalism

Worship to Allata Uzzah idolatrous God
Raping slavery Sodom and lesby
For sexual satisfaction

The veneration of A-monra that’s just as their God
And its trusted can give blessing in power
To their life so they can live 4ever
A strange attitude that’s shown by Majusi

Lyric by: Hesty Bianczz Music by: Thorax Najr

When the rain fell down in the edge
Of horizon I was trying
To forget all the pain I felt inside
since the sky has been changed to be dark
my heart would never change
To stop admiring u

Every step I take it just to search
The place where your love exist
don’t care how cruel your self
Let me cry with so much weakness
the raging of fire wave burns
All parts of my body

Even I never count how much the pain breaks my heart away
I'm never scream when I'm bleeding inside
I just wanna do the best
Don’t look at me as cavalry who want a conquest in the middle of war

But see me as a fighter who don’t have a wish to defeated you
but a man who wants to be your protector
Shelter your heart from the wild world
Wipe your tears when you cry
And guide you when you lose direction

The pain comes on behalf of the suppression of love
but I never regret coz
I surrender my soul to you
Your heart is too sacrosanct
and u re worth to feel amazing grace from God

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: Thorax Najr

Seluruh alam berguncang alami kehancuran
Seluruh jiwa meronta hadapi penyiksaan
Ratapi badai bencana mengharukan
Kehidupan mencekam mentasbih kepiluan
Dedaun berguguran awali kekeringan
Melantun syair berdarah kepalsuan

Terpaku diriku melihat itu
Menetes air mata ratapi semua
Pembantaian yang tersayat di dalam hati
Menghancurkan masa depan yang semua suram
Semua ini kan terjadi dan keangkuhan
Tentang kisah membelenggu anak palestine

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: Thorax Najr

Terhanyut runtuh pilar nestapa
Memburu tahta remang durjana
Kubah balomento pedih berdarah

Melambai diatas ratu bercahaya
Menukik senyum manis jelata
Memburu haluan menanti anjungan
Mendekap sayap terhimpit prahara

Suasana mencekam di arena pembantaian
Raja babylon menikam lonceng menggema

Keluar dari mulut para chanarta
Mengumbar darah terbalut derita
Mengayun rentan melambai sinar padam

Diangkat pusaka derai berdarah
Mengguman keangkuhan sembada
Berjalan gontai mencapai singgasana

Berjalan diatas para jelata
Bersumpah janji menggulung mimpi
Deritakan semua impian nyata

Raja babylon berjuang demi kerajaan
Demi harga Diri, demi kehormatan, demi keangkuhan


Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: Thorax Najr

Dimasa keterasinganku
Aku terbelenggu dalam kesendirian
Ku tersiksa oleh kepalsuan
Yang membelenggu hidupku
Untuk menjalani penantian panjang

Ini ku alami disaat ku menunggu
Untuk penuntun hidupku
Biarlah semua walau darah terus bergolak
Dan keringat terus berontak

Tentang apa arti hidup
Semua hanya fatamorgana
Yang membuat jiwaku terus tertekan
Kurasakan kehampaan
Tak terasa jiwa ini
Terhanyut dalam sebuah dilemma

Aku pun tahu kisah ini
Banyak membuat orang frustasi
Untuk terlalu memikirkanya
Dimana aku harus melaju
Tinggalkan sebuah kisah
Mengejar sebuah harapan

Lyric& Poem by: Ali SS

Poro sederek kulo sedoyo
Jaler estri enom lan tuwo
Mumpung urip ono ndonyo
Limang wektu podho elingo

Elingo yer ono timbalan
Timbalane rak enthok wakilan
Timbalan soko pangeran
Gelem ora mesti tekan

Di salini panganggo putih
Yen wes budhal ora biso mulih
Senajan susah lan sedih
Yen wes manggon ora biso ngaleh

Tumpakane kereto dhowo
Rodone rodo menungso
Jujugane mlebu ing guwo
Tanpo bantal tanpo kloso

Omahe rak ono lawange
Turu dhewe rak ono kancane
Njero kubur nemen pethenge
Mujur ngalor sak mujure

Di payungi sak anjang-anjang
Di kurungu di siram kembang
Podho nangis koyo wong nembang
Tonggo-tonggo njur podho nyumbang

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: Thorax Najr

Kekuatan malam telah memanggilku
Angin terpa tubuhku
Di atas awan aku terhempas
Malam menemaniku

Rintik gerimis datang membasahi sukmaku
Cahaya kelam terburai dari pancaran wajahku

Dalam diri ku sendiri
Menantikan yang tak pasti
Selama akan terjadi disini
Akupun menantikannya

Guncangan tanah melanda sukma
Bak kiamat melanda
Di saat sinar tak cahaya lagi
Kegelapan mendera

Kilat dan petir menyambar menghiasi kesedihanku
Bunga-bunga kamboja layu jatuh berguguran
Burung gagak menari diatas pekuburanku
Kereta kencana jalan perlahan untuk mengusung jasadku

Lyric by: Nataliyus Cristbintz Music by: Thorax Najr

Saat ini kudiam sendiri
Rasakan gelap dan dinginnya malam
Menanti cahaya terangi jiwaku
Hilangkan pedih dan luka hatiku

Ku merangkak tuk gapai mimpiku
Menetes peluh dan darah biruku
Mengorbankan semua anganku
Yang tak mungkin dapat kuharapkan

Dingin malam menjadi kawanku
Gelap ini temani mimpiku
Aku hidup dalam keheningan
Berusaha menanti cahaya

20 Agustus, 2008


Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

I split vowed on the barbarian rock
I script score with blood witness of suppuration
Melted to my eyes black flowing alb
Is my body wrapping you came just like burning fire

Swooped down and size life and born
Wipe the could fire and become smell of hell

Its your body formed as draconian
I promise by holy blood and split vow to the fire
To change my body and reach the real
Power absolutely a vestal as the bridge price gift

And you disgrace her over
The barbarian rock drip from her count
As a pacifying gift of sacred testamentary
Which certainly victim need
If that where the best way for you then do
What you have to do and it’s all
Down to your faith anyway

Hephaestus I’ve resolute my self to be your slave
I will full fill my requirement
I have given casualty as us asked full moon night
As our testimony
Eternal lord…………I do need u help come to me
I’m waiting for you coming for the eternity and full power
Eternal lord…………I do need u help come to me
So that I could break any bastard benevolent law in this life
I am the kings of darkness
And I will live immortal with all my loyal reinforcement
And I have many detention as my pacifying gift
That’s testament between humanity and satan

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

Your menstrual period has come
It’s mean that you’re growing up
You well fed body is getting in shape
And cheerful light is shinning in peace
You have plumped buttock and mountain boobs
Mean is time for u to care u holy crown
So many ways of life you’ve be through
In mystery to cleave this life a part
But you’ve forgotten that your family
Has promised to which when you where sweet seventeen
To take your soul as offering gift for demon
It’s life to you to live for…….be patient
Cloud in welkin and thunder rumbled
Follow by violent tempest in that sacrifice
Your body future in the chest of death
Your soul between nowhere
The whole your family be moan sandy over you all in mystery
As if despair make everyone
Become insane but destiny has been outlined
Come to cleave this mystery
He in an artemis which is brave finding u
And feeling restless he comes close and kisses
You it became fathomable miracle
Suddenly u wake up from death
And released from which’s grip

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

You nude me you enjoy y body
You nude to fill up you sexual pleasure
I can’t hang on the our burs love stream on my body
I can’t feel the pleasure that u gave me any more
You and I where stepped in the real dream
I’ve never dream it before
You’re realty cruel man
Just the same as envenom evil
I wish I could back again
To my our life before my deviate
There nothing I can’t do about it
Unless suffering and remorse
The victim of desire for my flintahous body
My wish will never came true back it’s to late

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

It’s only dream and illusion
Which are in my mind
It’s all now I fantasize my sacrifice
And I could not bring my life back
Cause mow I am already dead

My heart frantic and covered dark fogs i close my eyes dreaming of past
Suddenly I drop my tears mixed with blood and suppuration
I hold hear loam and I run every where to find out what’s happening to my soul
Feel like it needs sacrifice to make it as my offering gift for demon

Oh I can’t live any more
Just to muse over hurting soul
Life poems is motionless in my lips

I cast a spell on immortality whish I could life in eternity
With my community and peace there in floral part tribute from gods
The sacrifice tears drop in this grave to see the deepest inner heart
To see the life after death to go back together with eternal one

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

Rumbled thunder strike inner heart
Shaking the queen’s empire throne
Caused by chaos and denial of rebellious oath
Such bone spaced in humanity
Necks dust blown by the wind
Crying suffer of empty hill
Like the never ending journey
Just because the denial of holy oath
Unsheathed the serrated
Sword wounded around by snake
Disaster revealed for human kind
Which great difficulty
To explanted sin struggle
Him self from ignorance
Through dripping of blood and throne

Thousand years passed by thousand
Regrets like the sea of sadness
Full of tears with pale
Face covering by dark screen desolated
Hill in the sea of sadness
Crying for holy oath
Regret which is stained
By disgrace disaster in heaven’s door
Think that suppose not to happen
Just because of promise and denies
Hope has disappear

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

Bless me king darkness
Only u could released this mystery…of mine
It’s been long time I feel pain in my body
And make me…suffocate
Say I wish your vigor to awake and be u worshipper
I firmly united in spelling charm to call u name an worship u

I vowed my self in the name of the eternal one
To bent down and obey your order
Say, I am waiting for u glory and go together to eternity

Full of nectar and honey around u may we
Blessed by pierce of light that star in my body
Pale shadow colored in my face
As I saw life in palace

Lucifer is my god
Widest sea in palace
Hill is my intermission
River is my guidance

The power of dark charm
Has firmly filled in my soul and melted
Into one determined faith Bermuda triangle
Is my palace I am under the aegis of your embraces
To be slave in eternity

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

Grass and bush where covered by snow
Welcome to the winter that has come
A piece of light shinning from trees crops
With red goggling eyes pointed to one
Different focus river stream has a fast
Current and pierce lonely dibble ambience
Flames sprinkling melt from glowing torch
Follow in footsteps of the wilderness and
Go down the pale to reach the eternal
Glory above peach to cast the dream wanting reality
Yet; the journey is still long way to go
And there would many interferes mooch the way
Only holy faith and intention could beat
Them all and its all down to screen course
While the way on journey u where startled
By incident that u couldn’t ever believe
You saw the same of body
Face and accessories as u use to have
Then; suddenly feel u down in faint so weak
And un control you never expected to meet your shadow
Just like two mirror one unite
You could see the way you where
That’s freaking u body that’s freaking u
And its been so long cooped
Up to u soul it’s been so long
Blended in u blood meat and mind
May it be you un forgettable
Experience and become memory

Music & Lyric by: Nataliyus crist bint

Now my heart is crying
Now my heart is screaming
There is no reason to life
Take my life by your sword price my heart by your spear
There is no reason to afraid
Feel my life by your heart see my tears by your eyes
There is no reason to cry
Running from the black heart come to a sin
There is no reason to stay

Now my soul flying in the sky
With devil and black cloud around of me
Now my soul searching to a light
To take back of my life from the dark heart

19 Agustus, 2008

lyric lagu "FREEDOM & VICTORY"

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

From my every breath and my heart beating
That was beginning of a family
You sanctify the serve
Of our wedding ritual

Just to make us to be your victims
You sacrifice our virginity for redemption

You take our soul until we feel tortured
Walking in darkness without lampion of heart

You deceive us until we obey for other that you gave
A day that make my damage for this destiny
Without giving choices to choose

Only could enter with dripping tears
Sacrifice bloods and heart soul
Only for hunting to sexual pleasure
This is the mystery
That always blind my mind
And finally we become eternal bride

Lyric by: Aries Vjatka, Music by: NH

The swishing of the night fronds blow
By the wind through this earth
Lonely dark shadow
When you leave my alone in desperation heart
Slow and definitely your shadow came
Over in your plaigless your innocent
In your nudity you flame my passion

I really cannot hang on in my our burst desire
You warm of my restlessness in my powerless
You drive my in make me to be your sexual slave
To let this all problem go

Nude me, flint me, eat me
Oh god of love I really cannot hang on
I’ve been disgrace
Now I really that your not god of love
I’ve been worshipped
Your just patriot evil teaser, desire teaser

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

You spent your life time to prostitutes
Just for a world of satisfaction
When you where in luxury life
You didn’t realize you paralyzed your own soul
In your spirit where allies with devil’s
Another sexual desire devil

For sexual satisfaction in your heart
You sacrifice the count and you feel the pain
Sin full and regret full feeling
Blanketed my deepest heart
That where ignored with pleasure

You used to do
And finally you become eternal whore
Till the end of your life that in her
A story of legend
Life time was sacrifice here open to be
Sexual devil slave
Be the eternal devil whore in darkness world…..

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

A sexual desire’s calling my soul
Force my passion into pleasure
Hugging and flitting you
As a pleasant that you gave me

Romances in dark Valley

I carry you away into dark valley
To pleasing us both
Doing rape in time of pleasure
As the beginning of true love denied
All succumb to the physical fascination
I tear of the cloth slowly
I fuck your virginity in peace
Passion call’s
I stock the power swords on and on
Into your fucking hole
This is romance deed that I could forget
In the time of sexual profuse in my self
The heart enticement keep push my deeds
Till I feel pleasure in the darkness

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

Aku meronta pada dewata
Untuk melepas belenggu penyiksa
Yang mengalung di leherku
Terasa mencekam kehidupanku
Aku berjuang demi kehormatan
Aku berontak demi kemerdekaan
Dengan berbekal perisai diri
Taming sari pedang pusaka
Tombak zalzalah menunggang kuda sembrani

Aku mohon bala tentara kerajaan kegelapan
Menumpas semua musuhku agar semua binasa
Gemuruh ombak semangat jiwa
Menyelimuti fikiran ini
Terombai penyiksa tersiksa kegoncangan

Telah ku lalui masa ngeri
Bersama sekalungan luka duka
Bercampur pedih dan lara
Dari belenggu rantai gada
Sekarang hatiku telah ketawa
Melihat kehidupan nyata
Sebuah istana menanti
Nampakan sinar bercahaya
Menunggu sang kaisar diatas tahta mahkota

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

It’s been happen a heart reading tragedy
Be feel women folk
It’s a damage in their honor
When they just wake up from their sleep
It just beginning of human being confusion
That’s powerless to be desire slave
The evil soldier

attacked their territory
There no one could struggle to free their self
For the cruelty of evil soldier
That only history of their virginity
To be the honor that they head
A cry of regret reflected

From their mouth
Its in conformity with that deed is cry
They could not afford the pain
It seem like a sword has stabled in their soul
A scream and struggle reflected together
But the knight ignored them
This tragedy in the time of rising sun

In the most terrible tragedy
That make the women folk trauma
To think it back again

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

This is romance deed
That I couldn’t forget
In the time of sexual profuse in my self
The heart enticement keep push my deeds

Di dalam bayangan tampak ada raga
Menelusuri gelapnya malam
Untuk menapakan kaki-kaki sari
Menenangkan sebuah mimpi
Jeritan tangisan mengiringi
Alunan melodi kegelapan
Hanyalah aku sendiri
Maria yang sengsara
Menanggung beban dosa
Menahan rasa sakit yang kau derita

Memandang hampa pada bintang
Yang bertaburan cahaya
Menenangkan sebuah mimpi
Untuk mencapai kemulyaan

Keretakan sabir menimpa hati
Berlari dan mencari
Arti kedamaian kehancuran tahta kesucian
Maria ternoda aib bencana lambing sengsara
Maria gadis suci ternoda aib birahi

Lyric by: Alejandro J’heresy Music by: NH

Tubuhmu lemah gemulai
Terbaring antara rerumputan
Merah warna vagina
Seakan menelan air liurku
Merentang menantang
Posisi datarmu menggoda nafsuku
Untuk mencumbumu
Indah bentuk tubuhmu
Indah payudaramu

Bagai puncak keserasian
Kau rentangkan selangkangan
Terbuka vaginamu kau masukan jari
Kau mainkan sepuas hatimu

Titian birahi
Membuat nafsu semalam menggelora
Dengan bekal keberanian
Tancapkan pusaka kehormatan
Keliang vaginamu untuk merasa nikmat syahdu
Kau renggangkan bibir vagina
Untuk jalan pusakaku menembus selaput daramu
Dengan lender selidi nafsuku
Keluarlah darah merah rasaku
Kau tutup semua rintihan
Melantun bagai irama lagu syurgawi

14 Agustus, 2008


1. "Romance in Dark Valley" Demo Album [1999]
Indie Production : Nocturnal Heresy Production SEMARANG

1. The Sacred Night Of Wedding Ballad
2. Romances In Dark Valley
3. Nightmare In The Earth
4. Dark Inn

2. "Freedom & Victory" Full Length Album [2001]
Indie Production : RA Production JAKARTA

1. A Raping At The Time Of Rising Sun
2. Meniti Birahi
3. Eternal Devil's Whore
4. Desperation Heart
5. Romances In Dark Valley
6. Hancurnya Tahta Kesucian
7. Freedom & Victory
8. The Sacred Night Of Wedding Ballad
9. Istana Lembah Kesunyian (instrumental)

3. "Monastery's Veil Part I" Full Length Album [2003]
Indie Production : RA Production JAKARTA

1. The Senseless
2. Shadow Sacrifice Of Tears
3. Under The Aegis Of Demon Embraces
4. Disaster In Elysium
5. Testamentary
6. Two Mirror Tragedy
7. Virgin In Destruction Hill
8. Now (Slow Classic Rock)

4. "Menanti Cahaya" Single Album [2008]
Indie Production : Boherma Record SEMARANG

1. Menanti Cahaya

5. "Burdah To Syahidah" Single Album [2009]
Indie Production : Boherma Record SEMARANG

1. Burdah To Syahidah

6. "The King Of Babylon" Full Length Album [2009]
Indie Production : Boherma Record SEMARANG

1. The Veneration of A-Monra
2. Endless Struggle
3. Palestine Child
4. The Kings of Babylon
5. Siksa Diri
6. Telaga Persemayaman Bidadari
7. Menanti Cahaya
8. Burdah To Syahidah

1. Black Sound Compilation "Ketika Cahaya Mulai Tenggelam" th. 2003
Indie Production : Edelweis Production Jakarta

2. Tyram of Sympony Compilation "Volume I" th. 2003
Indie Production : Unflesh Production Bogor

3. Dark Season Compilation "Compilation" th. 2003
Indie Production : Bizzare Sound Production tangerang

4. cahaya Bulan Compilation "Chapter One" th. 2005
Indie Production : RA Production Jakarta

13 Agustus, 2008


- SEMARANG, 14 November 1999
"Semarang Gentayangan 1" Hall Room IAIN WALISONGO (SEMARANG)
- JOGJA, 05 Desember 1999
"Glory Of Darkness" Sport Hall KRIDOSONO (JOGJA)
- JAKARTA, 06 February 2000
"Jakarta Bawah Tanah II" (JAKARTA SELATAN)
- JAKARTA, 26 Maret 2000
"Priuk Gregeth Underground II" Basket Hall PRIUK (JAKARTA UTARA)
- BOGOR, 16 Juli 2000
- AMBARAWA, 1 April 2001
"Ambarawa Total Moemeth" GEDUNG PEMUDA (AMBARAWA)
- JAKARTA, 8 Juli 2001
"Utara Brisik" Hall SUNTER (JAKARTA UTARA)
- SEMARANG, 10 Maret 2002
"Semarang Bringas 1" Gedung TBRS (SEMARANG)
- SEMARANG, 14 Juli 2002
"Djarum Super Tour" Lapangan TRI LOMBA JUANG (SEMARANG)
- KARANG ANYAR SOLO, 8 September 2002
- TEGAL, 22 September 2002
"Tegal Bawah Tanah II" GEDUNG WANITA (TEGAL)
- BOJA, 22 Desember 2002
"Boom Underground" KAWEDANAN (BOJA)
- PATI, 31 Desember 2002
"Gelegar Rock Old & New" ALUN-ALUN (PATI)
- SEMARANG, 14 Desember 2003
"Lounching Album Monastery's Veil Part 1" IAIN WALISONGO (SEMARANG)
- KALIWUNGU, 15 February 2004
"Kaliwungu Music Damai" Gedung KECAMATAN (KALIWUNGU)
- BATANG, 11 Juli 2004
"Pageblug Njero Lemah 4" THR KRAMAT (BATANG)
- KARANG ANYAR SOLO, 25 Juli 2004
"Karang Anyar Bawah Tanah I" GOR MINI (KARANG ANYAR)
- KENDAL, 13 February 2005
"Wal jamaul Maut" Gedung PKPN (KENDAL)
- KENDAL, 6 Augustus 2005
"Hingar Bingar Rock'n Metal" GOR BAHUREKSO (KENDAL)
- PURWOREJO, 18 September 2005
"Purworejo Gogrog 3" Gedung WANITA (PURWOREJO)
- KENDAL, 11 Mei 2006
"Total Kiamat Moral II" Gedung PKPN (KENDAL)
- KALIWUNGU, 11 Januari 2008
"Jahannam I" Gedung SALSABIL (KALIWUNGU)
- KALIWUNGU, 9 Maret 2008
"Total Kiamat Moral 3" Gedung SALSABIL (KALIWUNGU)
- KENDAL, 20 April 2008
"KIlling corruptor I" Gor BAHUREKSO (KENDAL)
- SEMARANG, 10 Mei 2008
- SOLO, 18 Mei 2008
"Rock Power" Gor Serba Guna DAGEN (SOLO)
- MAGELANG, 1 Juni 2008
"Magelang Metal Fest"
- PURWOREJO, 29 Juni 2008
"Purworejo Gogrog 5" Gedung WANITA (PURWOREJO)

12 Agustus, 2008


Kelompok Band NOCTURNAL HERESY yang beraliran EROTIC BLACK SYMPHONY ini di motori oleh ALEJANDRO J’HERESY & THORAX NAJR ini sudah malang melintang di kancah musik underground Indonesia, berdiri tepatnya pada 01/augustus/1999 sudah beberapa event nasional mereka ikuti mulai dari event kecil sampai di event besar seperti tour yang di adakan DJARUM super pernah mereka rasakan, mereka sudah mempunyai sekitar 4 album ciptaan mereka sendiri diantaranya ada 2 album yang di rilis oleh RA production produser indie Jakarta dan 2 album di rilis oleh mereka sendiri.
Dalam perjalanan waktu dari awal berdiri, Band ini telah mengalami beberapa pergatian personel. Dari pertama berdiri band ini hanya di di diami oleh 2 personel saja yaitu ALEJANDRO J’HERESY (Screamer Throne Symponic) & THORAX NAJR (Guitar, bass,keyboard ), walaupun di isi oleh 2 orang saja tetapi band ini sudah mampu mengeluarkan demo album yang berjudul “ROMANCES IN DARK VALLEY” (1999), sedangkan untuk concertnya mereka di Bantu oleh additional musision ALDAMADA AGUSSY ( Bass ) & YACUB ( Drummer ).tetapi selang beberapa waktu THORAX NAJR Mengundurkan diri di sebabkan oleh pekerjaan yg tak bisa di tinggal….
Akhirnya ALEJANDRO mencari pengganti THORAX NAJR, tidak selang berapa lama Alejandro meminang KEN NARWO (GROTESCA BAND).Untuk mengisi Posisi Drum, BOWO JULLERA (BADNESS FACESS) mengisi posisi Guitar, JASIN BARALIUM ( BADNESS FACESS ) Mengisi Bass, tapi formasi ini juga tidak berumur lama, BOWO JULLERA & JASSIN BARALIUM mengundurkan diri untuk kembali focus pada band mereka BADNESS FACESS, akhirnya NOCTURNAL HERESY vakum sekitar 1 tahun lebih.
Dalam masa kevakuman ini ALEJANDRO mencoba mencari pengganti lagi untuk meneruskan misi suci Band ini…….Tepat pada Mei 2001, ALEJANDRO menemukan pengganti BOWO JULLERA & JASSIN BARALIUM, dengan NATALIYUS CRIST BINT ( CLASSIC BAND ) sebagai guitaris tetap band ini sampai sekarang dan WAHYU ROMERO ADIANTO ( CLASSIC BAND ) sebagai pembetot bass.
Dalam formasi ini NOCTURNAL HERESY berhasil mengeluarkan album “FREEDOM & VICTORY” ( 2001 ) yang di release oleh RA production JAKARTA, di album ini mereka di Bantu oleh beberapa additional music di antaranya, ISSABEL ANGELINA ( Female Vocals ), JOE ( Keyboards ), formasi ini tidak bertahan lama sebab setelah album pertama keluar di pasaran Drummer mereka KEN NARWO mengundurkan diri di sebabkan sudah tidak ada kecocokan dengan personel yang lainya, saat itu mereka Cuma tinggal bertiga saja ALEJANDRO J’HERESY, NATALIYUS CRIST BINT, dan WAHYU ROMERO ADIANTO, di dalam setiap concert mereka selalu mencari additional music yang selalu berganti-ganti, hingga pada awal juni 2003 mereka sukses mencipta album yang ke 2 dengan judul “MONASTERY’S VEIL PART 1” (2003 ) dalam album ini mereka di Bantu beberapa additional music diantaranya : PINDA BASKARA (Drummer ), CHAMAY ( Female Vocal ), JHONY BOO ( Flute ), BU MARTONO ( Sitter ), CHANDRA ( Keyboards ). Dari tahun 2003 sampai di tahun 2007 kami tetep exist di blantika musik UNDERGROUND di Indonesia………………
Di pertengahan tahun 2007 THORAX NAJR memperkuat Band ini lagi serta mereka mendapatkan pemain Drumer baru FAJAR HERMONO, dengan masuknya FAJAR HERMONO mereka mencoba merubah gaya permainan dari aliran EROTIC BLACK SYMPHONY menjadi ARABIAN TECNIC POWER METAL setelah berjalan setahun kami mengeluarkan Single Album (2008) yang di beri title “MENANTI CAHAYA” dan sinle album (2009) “BURDAH TO SYAHIDAH” yang di rilis oleh BOHERMA Records Semarang, yang diteruskan pada tahun (2009) ini kami mengeluarkan album ke 3 yang kami beri judul “THE KINGS OF BABYLON” di album ini mereka juga melibatkan beberapa musisi ternama diantaranya ada YOYOK Deprock Slank Band ( Keyboards & arranger ), ALI SS ( Male Vocals Hadroh Sholawat, Choir Of Sholawatan ), M.SIHAT Cs ( Rebab Burdah ) di lagu “Burdah To Syahidah”…..di album ini mereka mencoba memadukan irama music Padang Pasir, Progresiv, Heavy maupun Speed Metal ala HELLOWEEN,setelah rampungnya album ke 3 ini kami mengalami perombakan total dimana yang bertahan hanya ALEJANDRO & CRISTBINTZ dan di saat itulah kami mencoba mencari pemain drum yang baru di karenakan FAJAR harus istirahat dalam bermusik,dapatlah kami mendapatkan pengganti FAJAR,yaitu INUNG drummer kami yang baru,dimana saat ini INUNG masih berusia 10tahun (kelas 6 SD),lagi2 dalam pementasan kami harus mencari additional Rithme & Bass, waktu concert tgl 8 november 2009 kemarin kami di bantu oleh NJOWO (Rithme) & Jambu (Bass),…setelah pentas terakhir kami mendapatkan formasi yang solid sampai sekarang di karenakan masuknya THORAX NAJR kembali memperkuat NOCTURNAL HERESY di barengi dengan masuknya Arief ( Keyboards ) & RIO ( Bass ) maka solidlah Band kami sekarang …Planing ke depan kami telah mempersiapkan beberapa single album diantaranya “ZALZALAH” & “AZAB BENGGALA” di teruskan full length Album (2010) yang bertitle “PERISAI NERAKA” rilisan BOHERMA Records Semarang